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Web Design

A successful website uses the same language as its visitors. Idea R does more than just design a graphically attractive website, it analyzes your target market and builds the website that meets your goals.

Change language... italiano
Put order in your corporate communication
  • Make yourself visible to mobile devices
    One in three visitors surfs the Internet with a mobile phone. Idea R designs mobile-first websites, that is, with full compatibility, without compromise, towards smartphones and tablets.
  • Position yourself excellently on Google
    85% of users only look at the first page of the results of an Internet search. Idea R optimizes your website to give it maximum visibility.
  • Edit your content independently
    Easily update your website (catalogs, news, articles, etc.), at any time and place you wish.
Get the most from your website!
+39 349 0665994

What people say about Idea R...

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We are an innovative startup, we have in fact created the 3D printer for the largest stone in the world. However, we had two great challenges: first, creating a website that would make our modern and pioneering soul shine through, and second, making ourselves known. The second challenge was the most difficult, in fact when you create something that no one knows about, you can't advertise it on Google, if they don't know it exists they don't look for it. We relied on Idea R and achieved both objectives. This dynamic web agency did not limit itself to developing a modern website, but created an elaborate social media marketing strategy, which began to bring the desired effects from the second day it was launched.

An important tip...

If your web agency says "We create the website graphics, you provide us with the texts", I give you some advice: change the agency!
Writing for the web is a very complex art, the reason is that you have to like two completely different and often incompatible entities:

  1. Your visitors: if you want to advertise yourself and get new customers, you have to write simple and captivating texts, forget the old institutional and self-referential language "we are the leading company in the sector, etc."
  2. Google: in order for your site to be discovered and positioned excellently by search engines, it must have a structured text, with the right keywords and numerous semantic instructions.

Idea R not only has many years of experience in copywriting, but thanks to sophisticated mathematical algorithms, it tests and continuously modifies your website until the best performance is achieved.

Are you starting from scratch?
Do you need a complete web marketing strategy?
Contact us and request a free quote.

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Your web site here! Your web site here! Your web campaign here! Your web campaign here!
Your web site here!
Well, you have your website! And now?
Trust Idea R and start today to study the best digital strategy to become a leading player in your market.
Web Marketing

Brand Awareness

Overpopulation of the Internet makes websites abandoned to themselves practically useless.
Idea R optimizes search engines positioning and generates quality traffic with Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Direct E-Mail Marketing, Display Advertising, Article Marketing, Affiliations, etc.


Usually your website visitors don't read, they just scan. Using institutional and self-referential language is the quickest way to lose them.
Idea R carefully studies your target audience, divides it into segments and designs for each of them the most interesting content and the most engaging visual communication.


The offer on the web is vast, as a result users are very fickle and switch to competition very quickly. After the effort and the costs incurred to build a customer portfolio, Idea R studies and realizes for you the best loyalty digital strategy: social media, microblogging, corporate blogs, newsletters, RSS feeds, etc.

Do not neglect your website, rely on Idea R to increase visitors and become the reference point for your future customers.

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