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About Us

The multidisciplinary training and years of experience, allow Idea R to maximize the return on investment of its customers, designing digital strategies that act efficiently on the most modern communication channels.

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Once upon a time there were computers.
Then came the Internet, computers began to connect and users to communicate.
The digital revolution expanded in all sectors, encompassing worlds that until then had nothing to do with information technology, such as advertising, photography, graphic design, etc.
Now that all areas of visual communication are managed with digital technologies, it is not possible to design a marketing strategy or a corporate identity without taking into account all the factors at once.

Thanks to the multidisciplinary experiences of its founders, Idea R is able to plan a 360-degrees communication strategy, considering all the involved variables and maximizing return on investment.

Take a computer geek from the 80s, a new century designer, a longtime marketing strategist and shake them up... that's Idea R!

What people say about Idea R...

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We are an innovative startup, we have in fact created the 3D printer for the largest stone in the world. However, we had two great challenges: first, creating a website that would make our modern and pioneering soul shine through, and second, making ourselves known. The second challenge was the most difficult, in fact when you create something that no one knows about, you can't advertise it on Google, if they don't know it exists they don't look for it. We relied on Idea R and achieved both objectives. This dynamic web agency did not limit itself to developing a modern website, but created an elaborate social media marketing strategy, which began to bring the desired effects from the second day it was launched.

Igor De Ruitz - Digital Strategist

Igor De Ruitz

I entered in the digital world when I was 15 years old in 1982 when, hard to believe now, there was hardware but not software: if you did not want your new computer was an expensive ornament, you had to program it.
I started developing video games for specialized magazines and then, at the age of 21, one of my projects run on a European Space Agency satellite around the globe. I graduated as a Doctor in Computer Science at the University of Pisa and I got a Master in Graphic Design Management at IED in Milan.
I dealt also with art direction and stage direction, I participated to big international productions and my shows have been transmitted by the TV networks of every continent.

My background and many years of experience in visual communication, web marketing and software design, have equipped me with a natural predisposition to problem solving, always tackled with dedicated approaches and without the compromise of pre-packaged templates. In a nutshell this means that when a customer asks me for a solution, I use a method that today is unusual: I do not Google for a canned answer... simply it is not my instinct.

Sara Tonini - Sales Director

Sara Tonini

Inspired by a text by Kotler, I enrolled in the Faculty of Economics to deepen what was already my predisposition: marketing.
A thesis about marketing and almost 20 years of activity in Italy and abroad, sealed my experience in both B2B (business-to-business) and in B2C (business-to-consumer).

Meanwhile, the continued attention on trends and a passion for the photographic culture, led me to attend a course in fashion styling at Accademia del Lusso in Milan.

My experience in business communications and the constant study of the evolution of advertising languages​, brought me a deep knowledge of the cultural patterns and their evolution towards the new web 2.0 media.

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