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Published on 11/28/2012
Categories: Digital Strategies
An App to see Amsterdam through Anne Frank's eyes
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The Amsterdam's Anne Frank Museum published a really interesting mobile application: it allows city visitors to see the town at the time of the Second World War.
Using the smartphone's camera and the GPS technology, you can look at Anne Frank's places thanks to augmented reality or even take a picture that combines contemporary elements with historical data.

Take a look at the video to see the magic...

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Published on 11/22/2012
Categories: Web Design
jQuery: how to throw and handle custom events

We've already seen in a previous article how to manage JavaScript events.
jQuery simplifies but most of all uniforms the JavaScript events engine with 2 simple methods: bind() for events subscription and trigger() to fire them.

Events are not only a prerogative of standard DOM (Document Object Model) objects, your custom objects can throw events too, event if they aren't DOM objects.

Read all the article...

Published on 10/3/2012
Categories: Digital Strategies
Google Tag Manager: stop sinking into scripts
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Here it is! The nightmare of managing all your Google scripts/tags is over.
Do you have to spread over thousands of pages your AdWords conversion tags, Analytics goal tags, campaign tracking scripts, etc.?
You know what I'm talking about: injecting code, conditional JavaScript, custom tags in many different pages is really error prone, but here comes the solution from Google: Google Tag Manager.

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