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Published on 11/22/2012
Categories: Web Design
jQuery: how to throw and handle custom events

We've already seen in a previous article how to manage JavaScript events.
jQuery simplifies but most of all uniforms the JavaScript events engine with 2 simple methods: bind() for events subscription and trigger() to fire them.

Events are not only a prerogative of standard DOM (Document Object Model) objects, your custom objects can throw events too, event if they aren't DOM objects.

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Published on 1/1/2012
Categories: Web Design
Tags: CSS, HTML, Tutorials
Dropdown menus with CSS

The dropdown menus can be easily created with CSS.
Either horizontal or vertical menus are built using unordered list, that is ul. The dropdown feature is created combining the hover pseudoclass along with the visibility property of nested lists.
The following example shows a horizontal menu where the items expand downward.

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Photographer: Igor De Ruitz
Published on 7/3/2012
Categories: Web & Apps
TechEd Europe 2012: Windows 8 report from Amsterdam

Many news from the Microsoft world at TechEd Europe 2012, concerning the products to come: Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8.
There were interesting sessions about the vision of the future by Microsoft, regarding server products and in particular about clouding by Windows Azure.
My main interests were on another subject, that is Windows 8, the new Metro user interface and the business opportunities on the client side. I arrived in Amsterdam with many doubts, many misunderstandings about these new technologies; now, 4 days later, I have a more clear vision.

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