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Take a software geek from the 80s, add a new generation graphic designer and dilute with a longtime marketing strategist. Shake vigorously and you'll get the Idea R's blog.

< 2017

Published on 11/22/2012
Categories: Web Design
jQuery: how to throw and handle custom events

We've already seen in a previous article how to manage JavaScript events.
jQuery simplifies but most of all uniforms the JavaScript events engine with 2 simple methods: bind() for events subscription and trigger() to fire them.

Events are not only a prerogative of standard DOM (Document Object Model) objects, your custom objects can throw events too, event if they aren't DOM objects.

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Published on 10/3/2012
Categories: Digital Strategies
Google Tag Manager: stop sinking into scripts
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Here it is! The nightmare of managing all your Google scripts/tags is over.
Do you have to spread over thousands of pages your AdWords conversion tags, Analytics goal tags, campaign tracking scripts, etc.?
You know what I'm talking about: injecting code, conditional JavaScript, custom tags in many different pages is really error prone, but here comes the solution from Google: Google Tag Manager.

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