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Books, eBooks and magazine publications designed by Idea R.
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Source: Modus
Published on 10/16/2017
Categories: Advertising
Can engineering industry sponsor art without going off topic?

During Biennale Arte in Venice, one of our clients decides to sponsors the MODUS collateral event. The problem is that the metalworking industry tipically sponsors congresses or events related to industrial and technological research.
Having to design an advertising page on the exhibition cathalog, do we risk going off topic?

Let's explore this interesting exhibition and let's analyze how we have dealt with the topic from a communication point of view.

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Photographer: Igor De Ruitz
Published on 6/6/2012
Categories: Visual Communication
Case study: the Magic Books Collection

The effect I'm going to present you is the junction point of two artistic passions that I have cultivated for years, maintaining them intentionally separated, until I have thought that they were both arrived to the maturity necessary in order to benefit equally one of the other: I’m referring to the magic passion and to the theatre one.

I think important to have waited for the right moment before trying to find the point of contact between the two worlds, although for both fundamentally is a matter of exhibitions with the artist on a stage and the spectators seated in the stalls, unfortunately it is unknown why the education of the two guys follows two completely different paths.

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Photographer: Igor De Ruitz
Source: Andata/Ritorno
Published on 6/13/2006
Categories: Photography
Tags: Publications
Venice - The libertine carnival
Not everybody knows that the most ancient carnival of the world is instead Italian, and it’s the up-till-now famous Carnevale di Venezia: the oldest Venetian document that references it, it’s dated 2nd May 1268 (more than 2 centuries before the discovery of the Americas). At that time, Venice was definitely the most amusing place of Europe, the carnival in fact lasted even 3 months; Venice was also in a certain sense, the most democratic place, the mask allowed everyone, also the low classes, to mix with the noble rank, protected by their disguises.

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