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Landing Page

Learn how to design and optimize your landing pages to get the most out of your digital strategies and web marketing campaigns.

Published on 7/1/2024
Categories: Digital Strategies
[Free eBook] Metalworking industry: the secret to drastically increase sales using LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the social network that no B2B company can renounce.

What I want to illustrate in this free e-book is a revolutionary way to find customers thanks to LinkedIn.
The method and the automatisms implemented have allowed our customers to obtain an unprecedented competitive advantage in the engineering sector.

I'll show you very effective growth hacking techniques to go hunting for customers almost totally automatically and I will explain how to create a sales funnel which will bring you requests for quotations on a continuous basis.

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Categories: Web Design
Metalworking industry: how to multiply customers using only the website and zero advertising budget

I have been developing and optimizing websites for the metalworking industry for 10 years and I have often seen how this resource is underestimated and used incorrectly.
A well-designed website can bring many customers to a B2B company in the manufacturing sector, many more customers than all the fairs and agents put together.
And above all spending much less or nothing.

In this article I’ll make you aware of the huge opportunities out there waiting for you and subsequently I’ll show you how to create a well-conceived platform for acquiring online customers.
If you follow all the directions you may be able to triple quote requests, while reducing your advertising budget by 90%.

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Published on 1/31/2013
Last update 12/13/2017
Categories: Visual Communication
Case study: branding and marketing for a magician

Like many magicians, Andrea Veronese has never had a real corporate identity, nor a web marketing strategy for the acquisition of contacts. 100% of the salaries come from word of mouth and an excellent professional reputation built over many years of activity in the field of magical entertainment.

We will proceed by designing a real brand, creating an effective identity on the web and activating a web marketing campaign. We will see in the final conclusions of this article, how this strategy have obtained results absolutely out of the ordinary.

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Published on 2/26/2017
Categories: Advertising
How to design a FAKE B2C brand for a real B2B service

Is it possible to use guerrilla marketing for B2B (business-to-business)?
In a niche as that of industrial machines, the unconventional marketing finds its application?

I'll show you in this interesting case study how we applied, probably for the first time, guerrilla marketing to the engineering industry. To do so we reasoned out of the box and we have designed a B2C product... a fake one!

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